0215-Scientific method

Scientific method [ EASY | METHODOLOGY | RESEARCH ]

Not everybody will line up at your doorstep to help you of their own accord 不是每个人都会自愿在你家门口排队帮助你

MBTI(Myers–Briggs Type Indicator)

Myers and Briggs devised the following categories to describe character: individuals are either (1) introvert (I) or extrovert (E); (2) driven by intuition (N) or sensation (S); (3) a thinker (T) or a feeler (F); and (4) you are either a planner who wants to draw conclusions (Judge), or are you more comfortable in a chaotic en- vironment and want to keep things open (Perceiver).


CSS:Cascading Style Sheet (级联样式表)


    <title> Hello world </title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body {background-color:white;}
    p {color:black;}
    <!--Here is the first head -->
    <h1> PHYSICS </h1>
    <p> <em>Teacher</em>: Physics is easy </p>
    <h2> CMB </h2>
    <p> <em>Students</em>: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh </p>
    <h1> MATH </h1>
    <p> <a href="math.html">math</a> pages</p>



Last updated