0918-add prior to chi square fitting
1. Gaussian Prior
A Gaussian (normal) prior on a parameter $\theta$ with mean $\mu$ and standard deviation $\sigma$ is expressed as:
This function indicates that the parameter $\theta$ is more likely to be close to the mean $\mu$, with a spread governed by $\sigma$.
2. Log-Likelihood of the Gaussian Prior
In Bayesian analysis, the prior is incorporated by adding the log of the prior probability to the log-likelihood of the data. Since the goal is to minimize a function (as in chi-square fitting), we use the negative log of the prior:
3. Simplifying the Prior Contribution
For the purpose of adding this term to the chi-square, we can ignore the constant part $\frac{1}{2}\log(2\pi\sigma^2)$ since it does not depend on the parameter $\theta$. We focus on the part that depends on $\theta$:
4. Incorporating into Chi-Square
To incorporate this prior into the chi-square fitting procedure, we need to add a term to the chi-square statistic that represents the prior's penalty on deviations of $\theta$ from $\mu$. The conventional chi-square statistic has a factor of 1/2 in the exponent:
5. Full Modified Chi-Square
The total chi-square to minimize becomes:
$\chi^2_{\text{data}}$ is the standard chi-square term representing the fit to the data:
$\chi^2_{\text{prior}}$ is the term derived from the Gaussian prior:
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